The basic principle behind this is, the conversion of mechanical energy in to electrical energy. The reason why we are using electrical power than any other energy is that, it can be converted in to any other form without major difficulties.
We can divide this generation part into three parts. Those are turbine section, generator section, and transformer section. Turbine is connected to generator which gives mechanical rotation to the generator. The side of generator is connected to transformer where step up process taken place. The electrical energy transmission takes place with higher level of voltage and low current to avoid losses due to eddy current. Eddy current losses will be explained when we deal about electrical losses. Let’s see the input and output of each section.
The turbine gets input from boiler if it is thermal generation or kinetic energy of water if it is hydro power generation. The output of turbine is mechanical rotation which is the input of generator. Electrical power is the output of generator which is connected to the transformer. High voltage electrical power is the output of transformer which is again connected to the transmission line. These three sections have major operations, which will be seen in future.
Such operations in electrical power transformers can increase not only the input voltage of certain equipment, but it has also the capacity to increase electrical installation voltages.