It was really inspired me when I read this article on internet. Let me start this post with a question, what will happen to your email account or social network after the death? Do not worry, just asking. I am sure no one should have thought of it. Yes, the life is precious thing that it has no replacement. Email and social network account do not matter compare to life. But if any one shows proof that the person who had the email account died, then all the information and details will be deleted.
It differs from one service provider to another like yahoo clearly tells you that no account is transferable. If you want to get that information then you have to send them a proof showing that you are relative to that particular person. So the account will be deleted upon the request and it will not be transferred to any other person.
It is different in case of gmail where they will even send you the details and they will delete only sensitive information not the entire accounts. Fine, how about the social networking sites, Face book will do similar to yahoo; it will be removed from database. On the other hand orkut keep your account so that the relatives even send or post scrap as a remembrance. You might have known about this but it is not familiar for me so I thought of writing this post.
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